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Every student within the Middle School is also an essential member of the wider school, learning from our fantastic Senior School students, and leading our younger pupils in the Lower School. Through House challenges and other events, Middle School students truly feel part of the warm, nurturing and aspirational community that is Farlington.

Opportunities exist for all on the sports field, in the swimming pool, the music rooms and on stage, and the range of clubs and activities is endless. Staff throughout the school contribute to the extra-curricular programme so that there is plenty of choice for each pupil.

More information about life in the Middle School can be found below.



Early Birds Club 8.00am-8.25am For students in Reception to Year 4
Registration 8.25am-8.45am There may be an assembly here
Lesson 1 8.45am-9.30am  
Lesson 2 9.30am-10.15am  
Lesson 3 10.35am-11.20am  
Lesson 4 11.20am-12.05pm  
Lesson 5a or Lunch 12.05pm-12.50pm Younger students go to lunch first
Lesson 5b or Lunch 12.50pm-1.35pm  
Activity Time 1.35pm-2.05pm For all students
Lesson 6 2.05pm-2.50pm  
Lesson 7 2.50pm-3.35pm Reception to Year 2 finish lessons here
Lesson 8 3.35pm-4.20pm Years 3 to 13 finish lessons here
Deregistration 4.20pm-4.30pm Students may leave after this if they wish
Tea 4.30pm-4.45pm Optional if staying for activities
Afternoon Activities 4.45pm-5.30pm Optional
Buses leave 5.35pm  


Please note that Lesson 5b and Activity Time will usually be the other way around for Lower School students, as they will be the first to eat lunch and will need some playtime afterwards.


There is a wide range of clubs and activities that are organised and run by staff from the Lower School, Middle School and Senior School, as well as outside providers.  These are advertised at the beginning of each term. Pupils may have the opportunity for taster sessions during the first full week of term after which they sign up to join the activity for the remainder of the term.

Music and drama play an important part in the life of the school and parents are invited to attend a range of events during the year including assemblies, musical concerts and school productions.

The majority of Middle School pupils participate in one of our choirs and many play at least one musical instrument.

Individual and Group Speech and Drama lessons are available, with a focus on the LAMDA examinations.

For those children for whom sport is an important part of school life, participation in clubs is encouraged and all Middle School pupils can take part in matches against other schools. A healthy attitude towards competitive sport is promoted, where learning to lose is as important as learning to win. 

Many of our pupils go on to participate in their chosen sport at county and even national level.

Here are just a few of the extra-curricular clubs that we offer:

  • Art 
  • Ballet
  • Chess
  • Computing
  • Cookery
  • Fencing
  • Judo
  • Lego
  • Netball
  • Rounders
  • STEM
  • Street Dance
  • Swimming
  • Textiles
  • Trampolining
  • Yoga


Pupil voice is important throughout the school, and Farlington students are encouraged to be part of our Student Council, which is made up of pupils from Reception right up to Year 13.

The Student Council enables students to contribute their ideas about how to ensure that the school offers the best possible environment for young people. We invite opinion on all matters pertaining to school life, from the range of clubs on offer to the catering provision; from the books available in the Library to the decoration of the Boarding House.

Student Council elections take place termly, and meetings are organised on a regular basis.


Throughout their time at Farlington, pupils will be offered numerous opportunities to travel far and wide, from local trips for our youngest pupils, to expeditions around the world for our older students.  

These day and overnight trips underline the school's belief that relevant and enriching trips complement and benefit classroom learning.

Some Farlington trips are directly linked to the curriculum - such as History trips to the battlefields of Belgium and Northern France; Art History trips to Florence; and Drama and Psychology trips to New York - whilst others enable our pupils to put classroom language learning into practice in France, Germany or Spain.

Some of our trips are linked to examination preparation, for example a day trip to Science Live, whilst others are designed to facilitate bonding between new pupils.

For the more adventurous we run an annual ski trip, and there are expeditions which provide life-enhancing and transformative experiences in places as far flung as Zambia, Borneo.... and the Isle of Wight!